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Yuya Suzuki  鈴木悠哉

11 May - 22 Jun. 2019

木木藝術很榮幸能邀請藝術家鈴木悠哉於此次臺南畫廊聯誼會所舉辦的展覽活動中展出,鈴木悠哉(Yuya Suzuki, b.1983)為日籍藝術家,畢業於日本大學藝術學系,近年的作品發展多藉由駐村的異地觀察機會,記錄並且探索城市中的人文面貌,將主觀印象轉化為簡潔嚴謹的圖像,帶著些許文化衝擊與理解,將作品本身的意涵深度化。

此次於畫廊中的展覽「NEW EXCAVATION」,集結藝術家長期並且大量於亞洲城市的駐地觀察,藝術家觀察並且記錄城市的紋理,在每個不同的城市中,行經狹小的巷弄,藉由駐地生活的機會,得以理解更多生活表層之下的民情文化,這樣的瞭解如同「挖掘」的過程,藉由一個對環境不熟稔的雙眼,將城市中被習以為常的點滴藉由繪畫的轉化,留下文化的層次,在不停流動並且變化的世界,藝術家也藉此接觸比現實更近的真實感。

「NEW EXCAVATION 鈴木悠哉作品展」將展出繪畫、雕塑與裝置作品,藉由作品與空間的協調性,期許讓觀眾感受到行走於小徑中挖掘到的點滴,展期設於5月11日至6月22日,展覽茶會將於5月18日下午3時至5時舉辦,木木藝術誠摯邀請各位的觀展,一同感受探索的樂趣!


YUYA SUZUKI ( born in 1983 ), graduated from Nihon University College of Art (visual arts /B.A) in 2007, is now a Sapporo-based visual artist. His works include drawing, video, three-dimensional sculpture, and painting. He recently focuses on a drawing project by means of observing urban landscapes in several Asian cities. In addition, he begins to make installation works based on his drawings in some exhibitions. 


Recent interests of my making are the urban environments and something like "cracks" existing there potentially. Cracks mean things and situations deviating from original functions of the cities and conventional meanings in the reality with having hollow structures, or it’s like unconscious elements in the cities. And I continue my makings while going across various cities where to have different historical and cultural backgrounds, by that I manage to engage in universal/potential layers lying on this real world.

I copy and record those elements of cracks and unconscious in the cities through the process of drawing mainly. Drawing is suitable media for movement. It has a speed to copy the constantly changing world and also has functions to draw out potential elements in the reality.

 Through the process of movement and drawing, accumulation of images drawn from the real world becomes another viewpoint of the urban environment and the real world, it creates space for recognition and interpretation about the reality. As such, art making means one method for perceiving the reality again for me.

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+886.6.2526121   704 臺南市北區民德路90巷50號
No 50, Ln 90, Minde Rd., North Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan

opening hours : 13:00-18:00, Wednesdays to Saturdays

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