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空間風景 View and Scenery

15 Sep. - 27 Oct. 2018



林晏印,現正就讀於國立臺北藝術大學美術系博士班,作品曾獲2017Art Olympia - Student Category - Finalist Award與2016臺灣美術新貌獎(入圍)。林晏印此次展出之作品延續了其對於「空間」的意象與形塑,加強了感性的部分,透過對風景的觀看與詮釋,構思自身身處環境與生活模式下,如何回應在環境、社會、人之間,不同經驗的交疊。





MUMU Gallery is honored to present our September new exhibition --- View and Scenery, this exhibition mainly exhibits two talented emerging artists, LIN YenYin and OU LiTing, through their artworks, providing us a very different perspective of scenery from young generation.

LIN YenYin, studies in PhD program of Taipei National University of the Arts, LIN’s works emphasizes the sensibility, extends the imagery of space, through viewing and interpreting what she sees, LIN uses painting to build her own way of explanation, reacts to the environment and society, through strokes and colors, LIN shows the very subtle feeling she got while being at those places.

OU LiTing graduated from Graduate Institute of Applied Art, TNNUA, OU uses jewelry techniques to deal with sculptures, with her excellent abilities of modeling, OU received many awards.  Viewers can find out very different aspects through gazing and changing the way of seeing, once viewers alter the situation of themselves, they basically change the texture of the works, considering the light, shadow becomes part of her artworks.

Both two artists take philosophy into their creative process, let the relationship between viewers and artworks becomes so alive and two-way, meanwhile shows how the young generation is going to conquer and build their art world.  View and Scenery will start from September 15 till October 27, we sincerely welcome your visiting.

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+886.6.2526121   704 臺南市北區民德路90巷50號
No 50, Ln 90, Minde Rd., North Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan

opening hours : 13:00-18:00, Wednesdays to Saturdays

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