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Exhibition of works by HUANG Bo-Hao

1 Oct. - 19 Nov. 2016

Born in Taipei, HUANG Bo-Hao graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts in 2004 and from Taipei National University of Arts in 2006 with a master’s degree in Fine Arts, now is working on his doctoral program in Tainan National University of Arts.


HUANG chooses water ink as creative medium which is a relative rarity as the moment, but he successfully has broken new grounds with this traditional medium. Like an art of time, his painting involves the accumulating layers of brushstrokes and changes in life experience during the creative process. Where time is often depicted in the rhythmic movement of the linear brushwork, is like seeing time and a floating life through a still frame. In his artwork, the linear drawn traces with the conventional applications of brush in Chinese calligraphy, and with the sliding movements of the ink and brush are transformed into visuals. Those visuals enable the viewers to engross in the thickness, length, wetness, shades, aped, movements and turnings, upward strokes and pauses of the carefully constructed powerful lines that demonstrate profundity of culture and spirit of brush and paint itself.



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+886.6.2526121   704 臺南市北區民德路90巷50號
No 50, Ln 90, Minde Rd., North Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan

opening hours : 13:00-18:00, Wednesdays to Saturdays

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