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LEE Tzu-Ling


Lee, Tzu-Ling is known for her sensuous installations and objects offering an experience which is hard to re-shown by photographs. By deconstructing life products into a material level and re-build them new forms, she places the social symbols of the original objects and culture meanings of the new forms next together to compose her material poems. 

To document the time of her own being, her works reflect life issues in a common sensibility level. As an artist with a well-trained science background, she is also interested in a mythical character and language quality which Science presents in modern society. Tzu-Ling is an artist base in Taiwan and was a protein crystallographer in National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center. She has exhibited her work internationally, including Pinakothek in Munich, Stockholm, Belgium, Amsterdam, MoNTUE in Taipei and etc.

作品形式以裝置和物件為主,曾經因為The Arctic Circle Project抵達北緯80度,期待作品可以觸碰那些言語到不了的地方。作品曾於北師美術館,台北國際藝術村,海馬迴光畫廊,福利社等地呈現,亦多次受邀至德國、瑞典、比利時等地展出。

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