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PENG Chen 
彭 宸

Booth M04
25 - 29 October 2018
Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

"Like the day between morning and evening, my life falls between my urge to travel and my homesickness. Maybe some day I will have come far enough for travel and distances to become part of my soul, so that I will have their images within me, without having to make them literally real anymore. Maybe I will also find that secret home within me where there will be no more flirting with gardens and little red houses. To be at home with myself!"

--Hermann Hesse, <Wandering>

PENG Chen, graduated from department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, then studied in Painting of Cleveland Institute of Art.  Her recent works are informed by the experience of wandering in different residential neighborhoods. Either in familiar places or strange ones, PENG considers her every wander to be a journey. A journey of trying to know other people by looking at their material possessions. In this journey, she is not completely alone, nor is an alien. She sees the connection between her home and their home, between self and others. At times she could get a hint of their lives inside of their windows, but most of times there were just the patterns on the curtain, a shape of a plant near the window, or a broken piece of dirty furniture on the street left for a passer-by to see.


From there, an imaginary journey begins. PENG invites viewers to look at these ordinary scenes through her application of both fluid and thick paint, with which the color, shape, and pattern of the random display of ordinary things are celebrated. In there, an unpainted world might sometimes be seen.


此次於2019ART TAIPEI新人推薦特區的展出為首次在臺灣的正式展覽,在此之前,彭宸作品在美國已屢獲獎項與多所機構之公眾典藏。此次於新人推薦特區將展出三個系列作品:【⽼鄰居】、【遊牧】以及2018最新油畫系列【漫遊】。彭宸創作靈感來自街坊、鄰里、路邊的破舊傢俱。在台灣,有很多破舊的椅子、傢俱被割捨在路邊、街角、公車站,供鄰里間閒聊、等待使用。這些傢俱通常被修補多次,用的是廉價、隨手可得的材料。彭宸認為這些通常不被視為「美」的物件,有它們單純的可愛與美好,記錄了人們的創意,令人莞爾。把這些棄物作為創作主角,藉由繪畫,對它們、對時間、以及不具名的創作者的致敬。


此次於2019ART TAIPEI新人推薦特區的展出為首次在臺灣的正式展覽,在此之前,彭宸作品在美國已屢獲獎項與多所機構之公眾典藏。此次於新人推薦特區將展出三個系列作品:【⽼鄰居】、【遊牧】以及2018最新油畫系列【漫遊】。彭宸創作靈感來自街坊、鄰里、路邊的破舊傢俱。在台灣,有很多破舊的椅子、傢俱被割捨在路邊、街角、公車站,供鄰里間閒聊、等待使用。這些傢俱通常被修補多次,用的是廉價、隨手可得的材料。彭宸認為這些通常不被視為「美」的物件,有它們單純的可愛與美好,記錄了人們的創意,令人莞爾。把這些棄物作為創作主角,藉由繪畫,對它們、對時間、以及不具名的創作者的致敬。

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+886.6.2526121   704 臺南市北區民德路90巷50號
No 50, Ln 90, Minde Rd., North Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan

opening hours : 13:00-18:00, Wednesdays to Saturdays

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